Friday 28 April 2023

Why Lanyards Are Perfect Gift Items


Lanyards are versatile and practical accessory that is widely used in many different industries. They are commonly worn around the neck to hold identification badges, keys, or other small items that need to be easily accessible. With the ability to be customised and personalised, lanyards can make for the perfect promotional gift item. Here are some reasons why lanyards are a great choice for your next marketing campaign.


Practicality: Lanyards are practical items that can be used by anyone. From students to office workers, they are a handy way to keep important items close at hand. They are particularly useful in workplaces where security is important and staff need to display identification cards.


Versatility: Lanyards come in a variety of materials, colours and designs, making them a versatile accessory that can be tailored to suit any branding or marketing campaign. They can be customised with logos, slogans or even contact details, making them a great way to promote your brand.


Durability: Lanyards are designed to be worn daily, so they are made to be durable and long-lasting. This means that your brand will continue to be seen by the recipient long after the initial promotional event.


Cost-effective: Lanyards are a cost-effective promotional gift item. They are relatively inexpensive to produce in bulk and can be distributed easily, making them an affordable way to promote your brand.


Customisation: With the ability to customise lanyards with your branding or messaging, they become a unique and personalised gift item that is tailored specifically to your brand. This level of customisation creates a connection between your brand and the recipient, helping to promote brand loyalty.


Visibility: Lanyards are worn around the neck, making them a highly visible item. This means that your branding or messaging will be seen by others, not just the recipient. This increases brand exposure and can help to generate interest in your brand or marketing campaign.


Range of uses: Lanyards can be used for a range of purposes, not just to hold identification badges. They can be used to hold keys, mobile phones, USB sticks or other small items, making them a versatile accessory that can be used in many different situations.


Memorability: Lanyards are a memorable promotional item, particularly when they are customised with your branding or messaging. This level of personalisation creates a lasting impression on the recipient, helping to increase brand awareness and recall.


In conclusion, lanyards are a practical, versatile, durable and cost-effective promotional gift item that can be tailored to suit any branding or marketing campaign. With the ability to customise and personalise, they are a unique and memorable way to promote your brand. Consider adding lanyards to your next promotional event or marketing campaign to increase brand visibility and generate interest in your brand. For high-quality customised lanyards, consider working with a reputable provider like Express Promo who can help you create the perfect lanyard for your needs.

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